The Lord-Lieutenant of Devon is His Majesty’s personal representative in the County, who is appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister.


This role is non-political and unpaid and he or she is supported by a Vice Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants appointed for their work in the County in a number of different fields. Administrative support is provided by the Clerk to the Lieutenancy which in most counties is the Chief Executive of the Local Authority.


The Lord-Lieutenant and his Lieutenancy team not only represent and uphold the dignity of the Crown and arrange Royal visits to the County, but it also celebrates the achievements of the people of Devon and their service to others.


The Lieutenancy helps to promote Devon communities, culture, services, heritage, business and charitable success while drawing attention to those addressing challenges and problems in the County. It also has a role in supporting the three Services and, in particular, the Reserve forces and cadets.



The work of the Lieutenancy involves:


  • Arranging visits of members of the Royal Family and escorting Royal visitors as appropriate
  • The presentation of medals and awards on behalf of His Majesty The King to celebrate the achievements of the people of Devon and their service to others. This includes Honours and Awards, The King’s Award for Enterprise and The King’s Award for Voluntary Service
  • Participation in civic and social activity within the county; this includes encouragement of a wide range of voluntary activity
  • Helping to promote Devon communities, culture, services, heritage, business and charitable success while drawing attention to those who make this happen and address challenges and problems in the county
  • Liaison with local units of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, including reserve forces and cadets
  • Leadership of the local magistracy via the Advisory Committee on Justices of the Peace, in liaison with the Ministry of Justice

NOTE: The Lieutenancy cannot be involved in political matters or local arguments and controversies.


In addition to the above, the Lord-Lieutenant is asked to comment on the validity of nominations for honours and submits lists of names of those he recommends for invitations to His Majesty’s Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace.


The Lord-Lieutenant is also expected to promote a good atmosphere and spirit of co-operation by the encouragement he gives to voluntary service and benevolent organisations, and by the interest he takes in the business and social life of his county. He is also encouraged to take an interest in local projects funded from the National Lottery and should consider lending support to those which he feels to be of particular importance.





David Fursdon and his family have lived in Devon for 44 years continuing a very long family tradition of living in the County. He is married with 3 children and 6 grandchildren.

He was commissioned into the 6th Gurkha Rifles, serving in Brunei and Hong Kong, before winning a Scholarship to Oxford where he won two cricket blues. He then joined the fast stream entry to the Civil Service, working in Arms Control in the MOD and on a UK delegation at a UN Conference in Geneva. Transferring to Devon he taught at Blundell’s school in Tiverton where he was subsequently to Chair the Governors for 10 years. After further education at the Royal Agricultural University, where he is now an honorary Fellow, he then became a rural surveyor and has worked in agriculture and rural property across Devon and elsewhere for over 30 years. He currently chairs the Board of a progressive farming company that uses technology to try to improve sustainability.

His other work has included being elected to lead the CLA, an organisation that, at the time, represented 50,000 members on a variety of rural issues. He was also a Commissioner and Board member of the Crown Estate and of English Heritage; a Board member of the SW Regional Development Agency and, as a volunteer, led the SW Board for the 2012 Olympic Games.

Other voluntary work has included trustee and board member of the National Trust; chairing the joint Government and Agricultural Industry ‘Future of Farming’ report; chairing the SW Rural Productivity Commission following his earlier work on the Affordable Rural Housing Commission, the Heritage Protection Review and the Rural Housing Policy Group; chairing the Devon Inquiry as part of his role on the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission; chairing the SW Rural and Farming Network for DEFRA; serving on the Duchy of Cornwall rural committee and the Board of Historic Houses; acting as High Sheriff of Devon and chairing his local parish meeting for 35 years. Recently, he has chaired the Independent Review into protected sites on Dartmoor.

He chaired the NSPCC Full Stop Appeal in Devon but now as Lord Lieutenant has an interest in all Devon charities and how they can work together more effectively.

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